There are plenty of apps out there that teach the content of witnessing. They essentially catalog answers to specific questions and objections. However, they do not teach how a Christian should go about witnessing. How should we be using these answers? What should we be asking people in everyday conversation? How do I build bridge to Gospel from where this person is at both in their spiritual walk and in this conversation? That’s what the NGIM App is all about!

We don’t merely shape the answers, we shape the person. As J. Warner Wallace said:

Conversational Evangelism will help you become the Christ-follower God intends you to be.” and “The Conversational Evangelism section on the NGIM App is an excellent resource to help you share the most important truth with the people in your world. It’s fantastic!”

– J. Warner Wallace, author of Person of Interest

Christian Herald wrote about the app and it’s development here.