Cold Turkey Evangelism

We here at NGIM want Christians around the globe to ask themselves this same question, “Should I get answers, or should I stop witnessing?” We hope many will say that yes, I need to get answers, and that they will find the right answers to enable them to build a solid foundation in the truth. But more than that, we want to motivate them to take that truth and apply it to sharing, growing, and multiplying their faith in their communities. 

Our upcoming movie about my dad’s life is the tip of the iceberg. We believe this movie will begin to inspire people to ask themselves the question my dad was faced with, and which he spent a lifetime answering and applying. Through his story, we believe God is going to open up the eyes of Christians around the globe to better understand the times in which we live, and inspire them to want to learn more about what they should do.

Help us to motivate the body of Christ and keep us in your prayers as we continue to raise the necessary funds to finish this movie and get it to as many people as possible. Thank you for supporting us in the calling God has given us to be a catalyst for a global movement of applied apologetics, to change the culture for Christ!

His Servant,

p.s. Today is Giving Tuesday! You can directly support the making of this movie by donating to our Facebook fundraiser here, or to our GoFundMe here