Jason Kline

Associate Mentor

Jason is a full-time resident Hospice Chaplain, Adjunct Professor in Apologetics at Carolina College of Biblical Studies, and Teaching Assistant/Instructor at Nepal Ebenezer Bible College. Jason proudly served in the United States Air Force for 5 years and is now a veteran. Jason graduated from Liberty University with a bachelor’s in science in Interdisciplinary Studies (Religion and Business) in 2010 and Master of Divinity in Professional Ministry in 2012. Realizing his passion to minister to and share the gospel with people who are suffering, Jason has worked as a Clinical Hospice Chaplain for 8 years. Jason is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Ministry in Christian Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary and holds a certification in Christian Apologetics from Biola University.

Jason has contributed guidance to an up and coming female apologist and author, Melissa Cain Travis, in completion of her book Science and the Mind of the Maker. Jason is also working with Christopher Haun on editing Norman Geisler’s, Essential Doctrines of the Christian Faith.

In 2010, he came to understand the importance of apologetics after an introduction to New Age Spirituality (SOZO Ministry) and the influence of the New Apostolic Reformation in his home church.  Jason was able to quickly realize that something was wrong. As a seminarian, he was able to spot errors in the theology being presented in his church. He made a plea to his church leaders but to no avail, it fell on def ears, resulting in his family separating from the church. Jason began to seek out the truth and that of like minded individuals who had a passion for sound doctrine and discipleship. He stumbled upon the NGIM institute and Dr. Thomas McCuddy. Jason was immediately recognized by Dr. McCuddy as a disciple maker and was recruited as one of NGIM’s mentees. Jason is dedicated to teaching apologetics, theology, philosophy, evangelism and discipleship and is passionate to teach anyone that the Lord places in his path.

Jason has a heart for the local church and focuses on helping everyone from students to pastors and families to develop an understanding of sound theology and apologetics. By reaching and equipping these key groups he seeks to cultivate the next generation. To this end, Jason now serves as an Associate Mentor with The Norm Geisler Institute, he has helped found the NGIM Street Apologetics Ministry, which will eventually lead to training and mentoring believers to fulfill their calling of sharing the gospel and help others to grow in the faith by using apologetics.

Through the Institute, Jason is working on developing curriculums and materials to reach church members, pastors and students with apologetics using Dr. Norman Geisler’s materials. One of the books that Jason has found to be a valuable resource by Norm Geisler has been, Systematic Theology in One Volume. There are many systematic theology books in print today. But Norm’s text is rich in building upon a necessary metaphysical foundation and the classical attributes of God once predominate in the early Church but losing ground in our postmodern culture.

In addition to his background and passion for ministry Jason is a dedicated husband to his wife Dedra and a father to his children, Isaac and Anna Sophia.

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