Legacy Initiative


The Norm Geisler Legacy Initiative is dedicated to restoring, repurposing, and translating the works of Dr. Norman L. Geisler, for the purpose of preserving, protecting, and continuing his legacy as a trusted source of information for Christians around the globe. 

Norm Geisler is known as the premiere apologist of the 20th century. In a critical time in history, when no one stood up to defend the relationship of faith and reason, Norm did. His work has set a foundation for the evangelical church, preserving the historical Christian Faith and providing a bedrock of reason to not only know what to believe, but why to believe.

Writing over a hundred books that have already been translated into fourteen languages, founding two seminaries, and discipling a generation of Christian leaders, Norm has left tools and resources for generations. Audio and video lectures and recordings of debates, books, articles, power points and more need to be preserved in good condition, and updated to reach and equip Christians around the globe. 

Visit NGIM’s Norm Geisler Resource Library

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Here are some quotes on why Norm’s works are so important, taken from the upcoming movie on Norm’s life, Norm Geisler: Not Qualified.

“There’s a window of influence that you have, and then that window expires and things aren’t always evergreen, but that’s not Norman’s work. Norm’s work is evergreen…That truth that he’s proclaimed will be the same truth that needs to be proclaimed in generations to come… I don’t think I could have become a Christian unless I saw that there were people like Norm… He’s opened the door to the possibilities of Christian belief.– J Warner Wallace

“His books are the type that if every ten years somebody takes and updates them, they’ll be relevant until eternity, because of the way he writes and the subjects that he writes on… I think the more people would see his debates the more it will set a trend, a motivation for truth and knowing why you believe. ” – Josh McDowell

According to today’s statistics around seventy-percent of church-going high school students leave the Christian faith when they graduate and they go on to college.  Now, this doesn’t have to happen if students were given a solid foundation of Biblical truth, and Dr. Geisler has spent a lifetime devoted to helping answer the very questions these students will face.” – John Ankerberg

“Many of the issues of the 20th century have been debated. Now we’re facing a new century with new issues, new challenges, and yet some of the classic voices of the past need to continue to speak to us… The classics always remain, because they’re timeless. And much of what Norman Geisler wanted to say to the 20th century was really speaking to the 21st century and needs to be heard today, just as much as ever before.Ed Hindson

“Many evangelicals over the years have been influenced in some way by my father’s writings and lectures dealing with areas like apologetics, philosophy and theology. By teaching in these areas my father helped so many people better understand why we believe what we believe as Christians. Now at NGIM and through the Norm Geisler Institute, we want to help take those resources a step further by training Christians in how to actively apply these beliefs in our daily lives.– David Geisler

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The Norm Geisler Legacy Initiative is an initiative of Norm Geisler International Ministries. Co-founded by Norm Geisler and his son David Geisler, NGIM integrates Norm’s three-tiered apologetic approach (apologetics, philosophy, theology) within the practical application of evangelism and discipleship. NGIM’s training model is based on using Norm’s works to equip the church and raise up leaders through its discipleship arm, the Norm Geisler Institute

“The more and more you read Dr. Geisler’s books the more and more you can’t put them down. You know, if you taste a little bit you’ve got to have some more.  It’s just that good.”Dr. Joseph Holden

We believe that everyone should be able to receive the training Norm Geisler developed through numerous resources in a way that they can comprehend, whoever and wherever they are around the globe. Thank you for your prayerful support of our initiative to continue bringing this foundational legacy to build up the body of Christ!

Read Tributes to Dr. Geisler


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Your tax-deductible contributions can be made out to:
Norm Geisler International Ministries
P.O. Box 2638
Indian Trail, NC 28079