Memberships and Workshops

Get access to all 9 Self-Paced Workshops below, as well as the full Norm Geisler Audio Library. This is a great deal!

A series designed to gain deeper understanding of how to share the Gospel in a way that makes others want to continue the conversation.

A dynamic teaching series, revealing how to uproot the naturalistic worldview while grounding your faith in rational and factual way.

In what constitutes a powerful apologetic argument, walk through 12 points that reasonably show why Christianity is true.

What does it mean that the Bible is inspired, inerrant, and authentic? How do I know I have what was actually written? Why are there so many translations?

In this training you will tackle the core teachings that distinguish Christianity from non-Christianity. These are the teachings that must be believed for us to genuinely call ourselves believers in Christ.

How do we know the New Testament books are authentic? What are the books all about and what is their historical context? What about all those “problem verses” in the New Testament?

What we believe about God impacts every commitment, every value, and everything we think about reality. Here you will dig deeper into the many classical attributes of our God.

What are moral absolutes? How do we reason through difficult moral questions like war, abortion, and capital punishment in a Biblically and philosophically sound way?

This workshop introduces all the basics of apologetics, including the existence of God, the problem of evil, moral absolutes, the knowability of truth, different worldviews, the historical reliability of the Bible, and so much more!

These contain only videos and limited learning materials.

He changed history – for good!

Download the Free Study Guide and Leader Guide and also receive online access to the six parts of the movie!The study guide & leader guide for our movie Norm Geisler: Not Qualified are out.

Our study and leader guides for the movie Norm Geisler: Not Qualified are designed to be used in small groups to help those in the church to develop stronger roots in their faith and better understand how to reach our current culture for Christ! Enter your email address to download the guides for free and receive access to the six parts of the movie. We will occasionally send you updates on future resources only.