Umesh Bisunke - CE Certified Trainer

I’m Umesh Bisunke, an evangelist in Nepal committed to sharing the message of faith. I hold a Master’s degree in Divinity from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, and a Bachlor’s in Theology from Nepal Ebenezer Theological Seminary. My educational journey began with a +2 certification from HSEB, affiliated with the Nepal Government in 2013. Alongside my formal education, I’ve completed the process of becoming a certified NGIM Conversational Evangelism trainer and now teach the Conversational Evangelism curriculum to students at NETS colleges, enriching their understanding and practice of evangelism. With a deep passion for serving others and spreading the word of faith, I strive to make a meaningful impact in my community and beyond.

See his educational journey from his past internship experience with NGIM

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Prayer Requests – Right now, I am engaged in the church planting movement, so we go to different places to share the gospel and for discipleship. We need God’s help to do this work every day. We want to reach out to many people and share with them about Christ. We need God’s help to do this, so your prayer support is appreciated. Please also pray for more co-workers to join us in the field.

What is Conversational Evangelism Trainer Certification?

Individuals who have received this certification from NGIM have demonstrated a strong understanding of the concepts and applications of Conversational Evangelism. They show a strong familiarity with all concepts in the CE model and regularly apply the principles to their day-to-day lives.

NGIM uses mixed methods such quizzing, coaching, and interviewing to vet these individuals, and we follow up with them several times a year to ensure they continue to understand and apply these principles in their witnessing and relationships.