In case you haven’t heard, God has raised up Roberto Lozano to lead our expansion into Spanish speaking countries! He will be our new Director for Latin America and Spain. He understands the needs these cultures have to be better equipped, and will work with us to mentor leaders in preparing many more to hold the line for truth.
What strikes me most about Roberto is that his heart for God is undeniable. A few years ago during the SES/NCCA conference he saw me carrying boxes from our table. He told me later that was the moment he knew he wanted to be part of our ministry, because he saw that from the top down our priority is to be servants first.
When he told me that, it touched my heart that he too wanted to be known first and foremost as a servant leader. I can teach people apologetics, I can teach people how to be a more effective witness, but it’s much harder to teach people to be a servant leader, and I’m grateful to see that in Roberto. The good news is that not only is he a servant leader, but he’s also a great teacher and a great leader. I am confident he will have a huge impact on the direction our ministry takes in the days ahead!
Roberto was born in the city of Maracay, Venezuela, and is actually a citizen of both Spain and Canada. He is a civil engineer by profession, a graduate of a Venezuelan military university, and earned an MBA from IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. In preparation for entering the ministry, Roberto conducted theological studies in Canada, and completed a master’s degree in Christian Apologetics at Liberty University in August 2019. His current academic goal is to receive a doctoral degree in Christian Apologetics from the first seminary my father co-founded, Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES).

In the teaching of my father, Dr. Norman Geisler, Roberto feels he has found his place in the whole contemporary puzzle of Christian Apologetics. His passion is applying Christian apologetics to evangelism, to help the church reach the Spanish-speaking people for Christ.
Currently Roberto is developing a curriculum adapted to the needs of the Spanish speaking culture. This curriculum covers the core teachings of NGIM, integrating my father’s apologetic system which is condensed into the 12 Points That Show Christianity Is True, and the practical application of apologetics within evangelism that my father and I developed in Conversational Evangelism. He will also be spearheading the translation of several of my dad’s key books, and has been given permission to translate Edmund Chan’s book on discipleship, A Certain Kind. This curriculum will be offered through NGIM’s new partner, the IESB Bible college in Mexico, and will also be adapted for Sunday Schools and small groups.
I believe God is raising up leaders to work with our ministry, who have a vision to develop culturally-sensitive training models for each area of the globe. Roberto is certainly one of those God has called to join us in our vision of becoming a catalyst for a global shift in our perspective of how we should be living as Christians, combining apologetics, evangelism, and discipleship.
My father helped us to know what to believe and why to believe it, teaching us the trifecta of apologetics, philosophy, and theology. My other mentor, Edmund Chan, taught me how to integrate discipleship into the practice of applying apologetics within evangelism. It is now up to us to help the church fuse these two trifectas, so that we not only know what to believe and why to believe it, but also how to apply it.
Please prayerfully consider whether God may be directing you to partner with us to pioneer this area of the globe. Latin America and Spain desperately needs to understand all that Norm Geisler taught, and how to integrate it with evangelism and discipleship.
Learn more about our Spanish ministry here.
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Help us translate Norm Geisler’s resources into Spanish by supporting our Norm Geisler Legacy Initiative.
If you are in a position of leadership, learn more about David Geisler’s upcoming Leadership Coaching and reserve your spot for future sessions.
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